
Stokke Flexi Baby Bath & John Lewis Bath Support

Baby bath was one of the items on my baby shopping list that I bought in last minute. I bought bath support from John Lewis long time before bath because it I loved it straight away.  It was washable, practical and safe. It was a good decision, I'm still using it and it makes bath time much easier which is very very important for me because bath is part of our bedtime routine.  I don't have to hold my son while bathing (although I NEVER leave him unattended) , I don't need help for bath, he's safe on the support, not slipping and he can move and play comfortably while on it. I'm machine washing it once or twice a week, and letting to dry on it's metal frame. Perfect buy!


When it comes to the bath it was a last minute buy as I said. I wanted something to use at least up to one year but all baby baths were looking too small and taking too much space. These factors are very important especially if you have only walk in shower and are short with storage space. Stokke Flexi is large, suitable for children up to 3 years and doesn't take too much space because it's foldable -actually you can keep it in the drawer or in the cabinet!-. And it's nice because you can fold it up and take with you on your holiday if needed.

My son's first bath was in Stokke Flexi and few after that but later we were taking showers together because it was much easier and he felt more secure while close to me. After two months we were back to Stokke because he became more active and playful. He's taking bath every evening and it's pure joy for him! This turned out to be perfect purchase and I think we'll be using it for long time to come.

Stokke has original  Flexi Newborn Support which looks very practical too and I like that it lefts more space for legs to move around but I didn't bothered to buy it since I already had mine.

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